Breast Reduction

Procedure Breast Reduction

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Breast Reduction

Breast Reduction can enhance appearance and self-esteem. Breasts that are full and natural looking can profoundly impact a woman’s self-confidence. Women, who have undergone this surgical procedure tend to feel more confident leading to improvements in other areas of their lives. Each breast implant or lifting procedure to a woman’s unique and specific anatomy.

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The starting point is to schedule a Free Consultation so we can evaluate your anatomy to give you realistic expectations as to the results we can achieve for you

Breast Reduction surgery or augmentation mammoplasty, is the surgical procedure used to increase the volume of the breasts and improve their symmetry by using implants. It is also aimed to restore breast volume lost after weight loss or pregnancy

For many women having Breast Reduction, the hardest decision to make is what size they want to be.

If you are one of the millions of women wanting to have Breast Reduction you have probably been thinking about it for years.

How long do Breast Implants Surgery last?

Breast Implants can have a long life. So far, there is no way to predict how long any particular implant will last. Complications can occur such as painful scar tissue and ruptures; therefore, women may need to have them removed.

Questions about Breast Reduction:

As breast tissue can still be developing into the early 20's, breast enlargement surgery is generally recommended for adult women in their mid-twenties and beyond. Advanced age is not a deterrent for undergoing Breast Reduction surgery or getting implants, as long as the patient enjoys good general health.

Breast implant sizes are available from 100 to 100 cubic centimeters. One cubic centimeter is equal to one milliliter, or about 0.3 ounces. The most common sizes range from 300 to 400 cc. They also differ in accordance with their diameter and height. With so many breast implant sizes, finding the right one is not as easy as it sounds.

There are many things you should consider when deciding what breast implant sizes would be perfect for you. Not every implant size may fit every woman. Below are a few of the options to consider before making your final choice:

. Your Body Type: If you are normally a lean person with smaller breasts, you may want to think carefully before you choose a breast implant size.
If you are considering opting for a larger breast size implant, be prepared for men to treat you differently.
If you are not comfortable with this kind of attention, you may have to settle for medium sized breast implants.

Your confidence, attitude and approach to embracing things will help you decide the right breast implant size for you. If you are undecided, you can have a discussion with women who have undergone breast implant surgery. Your doctor will also be able to help you considerably during the consultation.

. Your Shape: Your body shape also defines what type of breasts will suit you. Women with a strong build can easily carry large sized breasts, because larger breasts are heavier. Some lean women who get large breast implants usually suffer from back pain and even consider an implant reduction to alleviate the pain. Thus, women with a smaller frame should decide on a breast size that is appropriate for their body type.

The same breast implant size may look too small for a woman of bigger build. A “C” cup is more preferable for a woman with a thin body. However, a “C” cup would be barely noticeable on a bigger woman, who may want to have “D” or “DD” sized breast implants. If you are sure of the look you want to achieve with breast implant surgery, you will have a better chance of choosing the right size.

There are two basic shapes to breast implants: round and teardrop. Round implants create the most dramatic cleavage, however teardrop implants are considered by many to appear more realistic. Teardrop implants are textured, which helps keep them from slipping or rotating after surgery. Decisions on implant shape are based on how patients want their new breasts to look.

In the Silverlake Virgil Surgical Center we accept the following payment:

  • Insurance

Every year, half a million people seek consultation for enhancement of the appearance of their nose. Some are unhappy with the nose with which they were born or the way aging has changed their nose. For others, an injury may have distorted the nose and in many, there is the additional goal of improving breathing. As the nose occupies a central position on the face, the size and shape of the nose has a great impact on an individual’s appearance.

Insurance does not generally cover surgery that is purely for cosmetic reasons. Any component of the surgery aimed at improving nasal function or correcting any traumatic nasal deformity may be partly or entirely reimbursable. Our surgeon’s staff and your insurance carrier will help determine your eligibility.

Breast Implant surgery

Breast Implant surgery is one of the most popular, female cosmetic procedures across America:

  •  To enhance breast size through implants

  •  To correct any unevenness that exists in terms of breast size

  •  To be able to look better in clothes, including brassieres and swimwear

  •  To be able to restore pre-childbirth, breast volume that is lost during pregnancy, breastfeeding, and/or fluctuations in body weight

  •  To be able to take advantage of the implementation of the very latest in breast implant technology that allows for a more natural look and feel for        the client, and

  •  To be able to enjoy greater degrees of self-confidence and vitality based on their new looks

Important Characteristics

  •  Size of implant from 100 to 800 cc

  •  Shape of implant, including round, contoured, and tear drop

  •  Profile of implant, including low, moderate, high, and moderate plus, and

  •  Fill material of the implant, including saline water and memory gel

The selection of a particular shape of implant is based on the look that the client is seeking to achieve. A client may also want to consider the fill material to be used. Patient feedback tends to indicate that gel implants offer the most realistic feel. It should be noted that gel implants are filled prior to surgery, and therefore require a slightly larger incision for insertion than that required for saline implants. The saline options are available in both smooth and textured shells, and they provide a beautiful shape to the breast due to the use of silicone
The client decision on the shape and size of the breast implant influences both the treatment options that are recommended as well as the final results. Related surgery is accomplished via the insertion of breast implants, either behind the breast tissue, or under the chest muscles.

The necessary, surgical incisions are strategically placed in the following positions in order to minimize the appearance of any resulting scar tissue:

  •  In the underarm region
  •  Surrounding the areola
  •  Underneath the breast mass
  •  Through the naval

The method of implant insertion and positioning depends upon client preferences and surgical recommendations. The surgical procedure is completed in under 2 hours, and facilitates rapid recovery that generally results in minimal bleeding and scarring, and allows a patient to return to work in approximately 3 days.

A typical initial consultation.

Thousands of women undergo this procedure every year with no major after effects. During this consultation, the changes that you want to make in your appearance will be discussed. Due to the extremely personal nature of this decision, you must ensure that you discuss all of your concerns and desires openly and honestly, including the size that you want your breasts to be.
It is extremely helpful to show the doctor pictures of breast sizes that appeal to you. All your options will be explained to you in detail such as incision types, the location of the implant, the types of implants that are available, and whether or not a breast-lift would be beneficial in your case.

Let the Measurements Be Your Guide

Measurements are key. The “right size” for you has nothing to do with your cup size… it has to do with body size… more specifically, it has to do with the measurements of your breasts in relation to the rest of your chest and rib cage.
Everyone knows that breast implants look fake and unnatural if they are too big, but what most women don’t realize is that implants that are too small also look fake! The best way to avoid this problem is for your surgeon to take measurements during the consultation and use them to determine an appropriate range of implants to begin choosing from.

Look at Sample Breast Implants

I always show my patients sample breast implants of all different shapes and sizes, and I usually have them place a few sizes in their bra during that visit. This not a very accurate way of choosing a size, but it can certainly point us in the right direction, especially when we consider your measurements at the same time. If your surgeon has sample saline and silicone implants, take the opportunity to feel both of them.

Implant Options:

Depending on the look you wish to achieve and your unique physical characteristics you and your doctor will choose from a variety of implant styles, shapes, sizes and textures. Some implants give the breast a more rounded appearance, while others create a breast shaped like a teardrop.


  •  Silicone Implants
  •  Saline Implants
  •   Anatomical Implants
  •  Round Implants
  •  Smooth Implants
  •  Textured Implants

What types of breast implants are available?

Saline breast implants are filled with sterile salt water. Should the implant shell leak, a saline implant will collapse and the saline will be absorbed and naturally expelled by the body.
Saline breast implants provide a uniform shape, firmness and feel, and are FDA-approved for augmentation in women age 18 or older.

Structured implants are filled with sterile salt water, and contain an inner structure which aims to make the implant feel more natural.

Silicone breast implants are filled with silicone gel. The gel feels a bit more like natural breast tissue. If the implant leaks, the gel may remain within the implant shell, or may escape into the breast implant pocket. A leaking implant filled with silicone gel will not collapse.
If you choose silicone implants, you may need to visit your plastic surgeon regularly to make sure the implants are functioning properly. An ultrasound or MRI screening can assess the condition of breast implants.
Silicone breast implants are FDA-approved for augmentation in women age 22 or older.

Form-stable implants are sometimes referred to as gummy bear breast implants because they maintain their shape even when the implant shell is broken.
The consistency of the silicone gel inside the implant is thicker than traditional silicone gel implants. These implants are also firmer than traditional implants.
Shaped gummy bear breast implants have more projection at the bottom and are tapered towards the top. If a shaped implant rotates, it may lead to an unusual appearance of the breast that requires a separate procedure to correct.
Placement of gummy bear implants requires a slightly longer incision in the skin.

Round breast implants have a tendency to make breasts appear fuller than form-stable implants. Higher profile options can achieve even more projection.
Because round implants are the same shape all over, there is less concern about them rotating out of place.

Smooth breast implants are the softest feeling. They can move with the breast implant pocket, which may give more natural movement.
Smooth implants may have some palpable or visible rippling under the skin.

Textured breast implants develop scar tissue to stick to the implant, making them less likely to move around inside of the breast and become repositioned.
Texturing offers some advantage in diminishing the risk of a tight scar capsule.
Implant manufacturers occasionally introduce new styles and types of breast implants, so there may be additional options available.
Whether you choose saline or silicone implants, it is important for you to monitor your breast implants and follow-up with your plastic surgeon for appropriate checkups.

The Procedure itself

The first step in the Breast Reduction procedure consists of making an incision and lifting the breast tissue. The doctor will then create a pocket in the chest or breast area and then place the implant, which consists of a soft and natural-feeling material, in the pocket.
Incisions can be made in one of several areas such as the crease below the breast, around the areola, under the armpit, and sometimes, although rarely , through the navel. The implant is then placed either under the breast, or under the chest muscle. Decision on the placement is made based on several factors such as the physical anatomy of your breasts, the soreness after surgery, exercise activities ( sports such as weightlifting, tennis, volleyball that directly affect upper body strength) and potential interference with mammograms. The most popularly used implant consists of a silicone rubber sack filled with saline solution, although there are many other kinds available.

Technique Breast Reduction Summary


The under arm incision is one of the most common incision locations and is made under the armpit. Incision patterns vary based on the type of implant, degree of enlargement desired, patient anatomy, and patient and surgeon preference.

Under the Breast

Incisions are closed with layered, non-removable sutures in the breast tissues. Sutures, skin adhesive or surgical tape are then used to close the skin. While the incision scars typically fade over several months.


Incisions are made to keep scars as inconspicuous as possible. The nipple (periareolar) incision is one of the most common incision locations and is made under the areola (the pigmented area of skin around the nipple). Incision patterns vary based on the type of implant, degree of enlargement desired, patient anatomy, and patient and surgeon preference

Belly Button

A small incision is made in the belly button. Through the incision, a slender instrument passes under the skin to a location behind the breast tissue. Next, a tissue expander is inserted and placed under the breast. With the expander, a space is developed to create a pocket for the implant size you requested. The position and size is verified. Then, an empty saline implant is placed in the pocked and filled with sterile saline. The incision is closed with a few absorbable stitches.

Overview of the Breast Reduction Procedure and Recovery Period.

  •  The surgery typically takes 1 or 2 hours to perform.

  •  This is an Outpatient procedure requiring no hospital stay.

  •  Any swelling improves in 3 to 10 days if the implant was placed above the muscle. If the implant was placed under the muscle, swelling may take 3        to 12 weeks to dissipate.

  •  Most patients have no bruising, and those that do experience alleviation within a week.

  •  Bandages are usually removed within 7 days.

  •  The patient can return to work in 3 to 7 days if the implant was placed above the muscle. If the implant is placed below the muscle, the         recommended wait time is 7 to 10 days. If your job requires lifting of any sort, you may want to wait 3 to 4 weeks before returning to work.

  •  An exercise routine can be resumed after 3 or 4 weeks.